Fellows & Scholars Reunion 2024

Visite du Boston du 19ème siècle, du Cambridge du 20ème siècle, du Rhode Island industriel, du colonial à la Providence contemporaine, du haut et du bas Newport. et bien sûr de quelques demeures réalisées par Richard Morris Hunt.
Le manoir Breakers, à Newport, Rhode Island, est un manoir de l'âge d'or construit entre 1893 et 1895 comme résidence d'été pour un membre de la famille Vanderbilt et a été conçu par Richard Morris Hunt dans le style néo-Renaissance.
Monday October 7
French Library/French Cultural Center:
Breakfast, tour, welcome, and orientation
Trinity Church: Tour of the Renovations
Lunch and presentation:
Offices of Goody Clancy Architects
African Meeting House and Museum of African American History: Tour with Architects and Staff
Boston Athenaeum: Renovation tour with Architects and Staff
Tuesday October 8
Harvard Graduate School of Design:
Breakfast, discussion of 20th-C preservation, tour of recent renovation
Baker House, MIT:
Tour of iconic Aalto dormitory in 2 groups, alternating with visits to Saarinen’s MIT Chapel and Kresge Auditorium
Tuesday October 8
Providence Preservation Society
Rhode Island Welcome, Presentation
Wednesday October 9
Slater Mill, Pawtucket
Visit of the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution
Museum of Work and Culture, Woonsocket
Museum Tour with Director
ILZRO House, Foster
Discussion of a unique 20th-Century preservation prototype
Thursday October 10
Fleet Library, Rhode Island School of Design
Breakfast and tour, followed by meeting of laureates
Rhode Island State House
Roundtable on Masonry Cleaning Practices
The Lindemann Center for the Performing Arts, Brown University
21st-Century state of the art Performance Center
The Providence Arts Club dinner
Friday October 11
Hunter House Tour or
Keeping History Above Water, Point Neighborhood (2 groups)
Newport Casino (now Tennis Hall of Fame)
lunch at one of McKim Mead & White’s early works
The Breakers
Private tours: “Beneath the Breakers” and “Preservation in Progress”
(3rd floor areas not yet open to the public); self-guided visit after hours
The gardens at Bellevue House
Dinner at a private Newport mansion