
The management teams in the US and France organize the judging panels.
Panels include representatives from various French and American bodies of the RMHP, representatives of RMHP founders and partners, historic preservation architects and past winners.
They meet in December in either Washington, DC or Paris, France.

2023 – Paris
Paris, november 28th 2023
— Lakisha Woods
AIA, Executive Vice-President, CEO, American Institute of
Architects, Richard Morris Hunt Prize Co-Chairman
— Bill Roschen
FAIA, President Architects Foundation, Richard Morris Hunt
Prize Co-Chairman
— Michèle Le Menestrel Ullrich
FHS Founding President, Richard Morris Hunt Prize Founder, Co-Chairman
— Delphine Aboulker
Présidente de la Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine
— Ann Beha
FAIA, Ann Beha Architects
— Philippe Belaval
Conseiller Culture à l’Élysée
— Yann de Carné
Président du Groupement des Entreprises de Restauration de
Monuments Historiques
— Philippe Cieren
Directeur de l’École nationale supérieure d’Architecture de
— Christine Desmoulins
journaliste, critique d’architecture, commissaire de
plusieurs expositions
— Pierre-Antoine Gatier
de l’Académie, FAIA, ACMH, IGMH, RMHP 1991
— Florence Jeanjean
Richard Morris Prize Program Director
— Susan Kendall
— Isabelle de La Roullière
— Luc Liogier
Inspecteur général des Affaires culturelles
— Jean-Paul Midant
Maître de Conférences HDR, École nationale supérieure
d’Architecture Paris-Belleville
— Sophie Nadeau
Head of Public Diplomacy Development & Partnerships at
— Beatrix Saule
Directeur-Conservateur Château de Versailles (H)2021 – Paris
2022 – Washington DC
— Ann Beha
FAIA, Ann Beha Architects
— Philippe Belaval
Centre des Monuments Nationaux, Les Amis du Richard Morris Hunt Prize
— Dan Hart
FAIA, Parkhill, President, The American Institute of Architects
— Michele le Menestrel Ullrich
Jury Co-Chair, French Heritage Society, Founder, Richard Morris Hunt Prize
— R. Steven Lewis
FAIA, Jury Co-Chair, ZGF Architects, President, Architects Foundation Sharon Park, FAIA Smithsonian Institution
— John Robbins
National Gallery of Art, Former Laureate
— Lakisha Woods
CAE, EVP/CEO, The American Institute of Architects
2021 – Paris
Paris, 3 décembre 2021
— Steven Lewis
FAIA. AIA. NOMAC AF President, RMHP Jury co-president
— Michele le Menestrel Ullrich
FHS Founding President RMHP Founder – co chairman
— Ann Beha
FAIA Ann Beha Architects.
— Philippe Cieren
Directeur de l’ENSAS Strasbourg
— Bernard Desmoulin
de l’Académie, Architecte
— Pierre-Antoine Gatier
de l’Académie, FAIA, ACMH, IGMH, RMHF 1991.
— Florence Jeanjean
Richard Morris Hunt Prize France Program Director
— Susan Kendall
Psy.D. - Psychologist
— Luc Liogier
Director, ENSA Paris-Malaquais (Beaux-Arts)
— Aline Magnien
Directrice du laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques
— Jean Paul Midant
Maître de conférences HDR, ENSA Paris-Belleville
— Sophie Nadeau
Public Affairs Specialist, Embassy of the United States of America
— Didier Repellin
ACMH, IGMH (H), Agence RL et Associés, Lyon
— Béatrix Saule
Directeur-Conservateur Château de Versailles(H) Les Amis du RMHP, Vice President
— Jean-Christophe Simon
Collège des Monuments Historiques, Paris
2020 – Washington DC (Virtual)
— James Walbridge
AIA, President of the Architects Foundation, Co-Chair of the RMHP
— Michèle le Menestrel Ullrich
Founding President of the French Heritage Society,
Founder and Co-Chair of the RMHP
— Stephen Ayers
FAIA, Former Architect of the Capitol
— Ann Beha
FAIA, President, Ann Beha Architects
— Jane Frederick
FAIA, President, The American Institute of Architects
— Roy Ingraffia
Director of Industry Development and Technical Services, International Masonry Institute
— Robert Ivy
FAIA – Executive VP & CEO of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Honorary Director of the RMHP— Florence Jeanjean
French Program Director of the Richard Morris Hunt Prize
— Constance Lai
FAIA, 2017 Scholar, Construction Manager, Grunley Construction
— Roger Lewis
FAIA, Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland
— Léopold Lombard
Architect, Vice President of Les Amis du Richard Morris Hunt Prize
— Sharon Park, FAIA, Associate Director, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
— John Robbins
1990 Fellow, Deputy Administrator, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
— Elizabeth Stribling
Chairman of the Board of Directors, French Heritage Society; Vice Chairman, New York Development, COMPASS
2019 – Paris
Paris, December 6th, 2019 – 1:00 p.m.
Hôtel de Talleyrand / George C. Marshall Center
Embassy of the United States of America
— Robert Ivy
FAIA – Chair, Exec. VP & CEO, American Institute of Architects (AIA), RMHP Hon. Directeur
— James Walbridge
AIA, HDR, Inc. Directeur, President, Architects Foundation, RMHP Co-Chairman
— Michèle le Menestrel Ullrich
FHS Founding President, RMHP Founder and Co-Chairman
— Philippe Cieren
Inspecteur Général du patrimoine, Ministère de la Culture
— Valérie Duponchelle
Grand Reporter – Le Figaro
— Pierre-Antoine Gatier
de l’Institut FAIA, ACMH, IGMH, Richard Morris Hunt Fellow 1991
— Florence Jeanjean
Directeur du programme Richard Morris Hunt Prize France
— Susan Kendall
Psy.D. – Psychologist
— Luc Liogier
Directeur, ENSA Paris-Malaquais (Beaux-Arts)
— Léopold Lombard
Architecte, Vice Président – Les Amis du Richard Morris Hunt Prize
— Benoît Melon
Directeur, Centre des Hautes Études de Chaillot
— Sophie Nadeau
representing the Embassy of the United States of America in Paris
— Diane de Roquette-Buisson
French Heritage Society Student Exchange Program Chairman
— Béatrix Saule
Directeur-Conservateur, Château de Versailles (H)
— Sophie Semblat-Walhain
Architecte urbaniste en Chef de l'Etat, Ministère de la Culture