Final reports


At the end of their trip, every awardee must submit a final report detailing the result of the work they completed on the topic they were selected for.

This document showcases both their practical and theoretical knowledge as well as the research they conducted in the country they visited.
The Richard Morris Hunt Prize uses these final reports to broaden professional knowledge in the subject areas covered.

We consider these final reports to be a major asset.


Approches scientifiques et numériques pour la conservation du patrimoine

La reconquête des berges des fleuves aux États-Unis

Les ponts américains, des monuments suspendus au-dessus du vide

Vision comparée de la reconversion des sites industriels

Innover pour préserver

2005 – Mary Brush

Les règles du patrimoine: une interprétation

1994 – Ruth Todd

Conservation des monuments historiques en France

La préservation historique aux États-Unis

1990 – John Robbins

La préservation historique en France