The prize
We launched the Richard Morris Hunt Prize so experienced French and American architects could have the opportunity to work on a historic conservation and restoration design project overseas. Every year, the Richard Morris Hunt Prize judges announce a fellow who will travel either to France or the US for six months and a scholar who will go for five weeks. Fellows and scholars alternate between being French and American. The panel of judges who pick the French awardees who will travel to the US convenes in France and the panel of judges who pick the US awardees who will travel to France convenes in Washington, DC. Applications must be submitted according to the terms and conditions and by the deadline published every year on the Richard Morris Hunt Prize website.
This prize offers an innovative and motivated architect specializing in preservation the opportunity to travel to France or the US for six months over two to three trips to work on a design project based on the research topic they were selected for. The prize is awarded in alternating years to French and American architects. This total immersion program lets awardees continue their research, collaborate with other French or American specialists and develop an ongoing forward-focused dialogue.
No later than one year after returning from their trip, fellows must present a final report on their research.
This prize offers an architect specializing in preservation and interested in innovation the opportunity to travel to France or the US for five weeks. This immersion program lets the recipient work on the research project they were selected for.
No later than six months after returning from their trip, scholars must present a final report on their research.
Throughout their trips, fellows and scholars receive support from the French or US RMHP teams, respectively.
Deux RMHP Grantees ont été attribués en 2020 pour commémorer le 30ème anniversaire du Prix.